Python Libraries For Data Science

Learn All the Libraries required for your career ahead in Data Science

Python Libraries For Data Science

Data Science and Machine learning are the Two fields of Computer Science that are growing rapidly and Many people are entering this field from many different domains and even from different branches of computer science. Many big companies have started to acknowledge the power of AI , Machine Learning and Data science and hence there is huge demand in this field . There’s no doubt python is the best language to start with if you want to enter this exciting field of Machine Learning And Data science. Do You Think Python is the only requisite for Data Science? Surely Not , there are many different libraries you will have to know along with python to get ahead .

I know there are lot more things to cover but Don’t worry , My main aim for starting this series is to help you easily understand the concepts and working of all the necessary python libraries needed for Data Science And ML.

First Of all , Start with Python!

Python is a great language and is mainly used for Data science and Machine learning and the main reason for that is there are tons of python libraries available which makes it easier to work with data and shape and analyze it according to our need. There are Tons of great resources for learning python and I mention few of those down below

  1. W3Schools
  2. python playlists by tech with tim basic intermediate advanced
  3. Udemy course by colt steele
  4. Corey schafer Youtube channel

What all libraries are covered in this series?

Following are the libraries which are going to be covered

  • numpy
  • pandas
  • matplotlib
  • seaborn

There are many more advanced libraries like scikit learn , tensorflow , keras and pytorch which are going to be covered in the later edition of the series.

There will be a new article every Saturday of the week covering all the mentioned python libraries above.

I hope you found this article useful in starting your data science journey.

If you still got any questions feel free to ping me on Twitter